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No New Posts Mission
Use this forum to talk about anything, just not Metal Gear related!

User(s) active in this forum: 0
169 50 Nov. 01 2008,12:00
In: anal and pain
By: saiskinagginy
No New Posts Briefing
IF your new to OC, use this forum to introduce yourself.

User(s) active in this forum: 4
7777 73 Nov. 12 2011,07:33
In: Привет землянам! :)...
By: Chicko300
No New Posts Feedback
Use this topic to talk about the OC forums and newspage. Any help, comments, questions and suggestions are welcomed.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
22 22 Apr. 19 2008,18:24
In: Привет землянам! :)...
By: Chicko300
No New Posts Metal Gear Solid
Talk about the original Playstation MGS game in here.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
5 3 Jul. 27 2008,19:42
In: canterbury christch
By: JesusChrist
No New Posts Metal Gear Solid 2
Talk about the Sons of Liberty and Substance game in here.

User(s) active in this forum: 1
8 2 Feb. 16 2008,22:35
In: RV Ratings
By: shooterjennings
No New Posts Metal Gear Solid 3
Talk about the Snake Eater game here.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
16 43 Mar. 13 2007,17:55
In: Unbelievable ana movie...
By: Phill
No New Posts Metal Gear Solid 4
A new game is coming our way, talk about the new game in here.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
10 3 Aug. 08 2007,12:52
In: girls nude reese withe...
By: Figaff
No New Posts Other Games
Talk about the Twin Snakes and the NES, MSX, PSP Metal Gear games in here.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
42 9 Apr. 01 2008,05:08
In: zinc impotence
By: Hoodiamor
No New Posts Camouflage
Use this forum to post your fan ficitions and to talk about anything else Metal Gear related, such as merchandising, comics etc.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
26 21 Dec. 24 2007,02:14
In: Help me please
By: MorbNecegubre76
No New Posts Radio
Use this forum to talk about music and entertainment

User(s) active in this forum: 0
16 30 Mar. 19 2008,15:17
In: amateur swingers in
By: Amateur_ivu
No New Posts Side Missions
Talk about other games in here.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
32 14 Feb. 10 2008,19:50
In: also must see this
By: Adagemeencec
No New Posts Bushes
Use this forum for roleplaying games and other hobbies.

User(s) active in this forum: 0
8 27 Feb. 04 2008,05:43
In: The cheapest certif
By: JaK_MarkoV_Pi
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  • Most users ever online was 200 on Jul. 01 2024,08:18

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